15 Ways to Get Some New Clients/Customers

So, you have decided to start a new business venture or you are at a standstill.  Trust me we have all had that OMG, what now? moment.  So, I want to give you some suggestions of ways to find some clients/customers to start your business off or help it move forward.

 Here are a few ideas:

1- Volunteer to be a speaker at an event, you can share your expertise and business with an audience that has your attention for a specified time.

2-   Set up a booth at a local event, ALWAYS DO THIS!! Street fairs, festivals, etc. is a great way to meet others and get new customers.

3 - Make conversation throughout the day.  Where? Supermarkets, library, school events, someone will always listen.

4- Find out who will be at an event beforehand, will your ideal customer be attending? Then why aren't you?

5- Personally follow up with those that have expressed interest, call, a note or a text.  Don't forget follow-ups are essential to any business.

6- Connect with others in your networking groups and go to coffee.  Who doesn't enjoy a cup of Java or Tea?

7- Watch for opportunities on social media.  Someone might need what you provide.

8- Don't be afraid to share with your friends and family, they might not be supportive right away but they will come around. 

9- Look for ways to offer your services/products in online communities.  We live in an online world and that is where you will find your "tribe."

10- Reach to people in any courses that you may be taking.  Always carry a business card or have a digital card ready to share.

11- VOLUNTEER, VOLUNTEER, VOLUNTEER.  This is a great way for your community to get to know you and you to get to know your community.

12- Share your story!! We all have a unique reason why we do something, share it and inspire others.  There will always be someone that connects with your story.

13- Read people's posts and comment.  Someone else might be reading that needs what you offer.

14- Never be afraid to ask other for advice, professional or personal.  The conversation can lead to other avenues.

15- DO NOT HOARD.  Offer to share your knowledge, resources, and tips with others. 


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