Marketing Tips To Get The Best Results
1. Start fresh every day.
2. Listen to your customers.
3. Keep an ongoing list of creative ideas and trends.
4. Create a Facebook Business Page.
5. Create a Google+ Page.
6. Create an Instagram account.
7. Get on Twitter and start tweeting.
8. Make sure you are pinning on Pintrest.
9. Joins Facebook Groups and Google+ Communities.
10. Use social media to provide customer service.
11. Collect email addresses.
12. Create a newsletter.
13. Create an offer or giveaway.
14. Ask for referrals, don't be afraid.
15. Sponsor a cause or local event.
16. Use Google Adwords
17. Advertise on social media sites.
18. Host an online webinar, workshop or class.
19. Write guest blogs.
20. Most importantly: PROVIDE VALUE!!
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